Christina Tries Airtime  

[![Christina and Sean Airtiming](](

And this is what happens.

I have to say, going into Airtime, I wasn’t that keen on the service. It’s Chatroulette, what’s the big deal.

So I fire up the service today and login and I see this familiar looking guy staring back. I don’t want to be presumptuous and ask the guy if he’s Sean Parker – after all, he look like that everyguy you see all over this city – but my thoughts are confirmed a few minutes later when he adds me as his friend, I confirm and find out that yes, I’m sharing videos with one of the founders of the service.

Mind. Blown.

Using the video sharing feature, I shared a clip from The Social Network featuring the faux-Sean Parker, AKA Justin Timberlake. Sean was a good sport about it – even though I’m sure he hates it when people bring the movie up to him.

All in all, not a bad way to start the afternoon.

Incidentally – I see real viral potential with Airtime that I wasn’t expecting to see. Especially with the people already on your friends or Facebook friends list. This is disruptive – and I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that.

I also wasn’t expecting it to be fun – but Valley-celebrities aside, it actually was.

I’m not sure if this has the longterm potential to stay popular – or if it will fizzle out and be this summer’s Still, I’m looking forward to using it again.


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Facebook and Instagram

Dammit. Just…dammit. These things always start out with the best intentions but unless you’re Amazon and Zappos they never pan out the way you want. To be clear – I’m totally happy for the Instagram team – they deserve the success they’... Continue →